Monday, March 02, 2009


Why do people cheat? Well.. mostly, men cheat.. although women have done a good job in the last decade or so, catching up in the cheating game, men are still considerably ahead in that game..

Cheating reasons..
1) I don't love you anymore
2) It involves a slut or a basturd
3) It was convenient (LD rship)
4) I was drunk
5) Its just physical!@ But I love you!
6) I dont know why.. I just fell in love with Mr/Ms X

TO me.. all are freaking.. BULL! lol.. really.. if you dont like a person anymore.. just tell her/him.. it is much much kinder! And come to think of it.. isnt it the least you can do for them? to break up with them instead of betray them? its just disrespectful if you were to do it otherwise!

A Real Life experience:

Guy met Girl through a mutual friend.. started talking.. Girl treated the Guy NORMALLY! NO flirting whatsoever! THEN one day..

Guy: I'm thinking of breaking up with my gf
Girl: Oh.. why? Do you guys have problems?
Guy: No.. I think we are losing feelings and I think I met someone better
Girl: Really? don't u think its pbly just lust.. you and your gf came a long way.. 2 yrs!
Guy: No.. but I think it can really go far with this 'other' girl..
Girl: Ok. but its not fair to your girlfriend.. the only acceptable reason for you to leave your gf is if you dont love her anymore and not cos of any third party right?
Guy: Ok.. this is what you dont know.. the 'other' girl i met is u!..

Girl rejected Guy.. because of the obvious! Guy cheated on the ex by pursueing another girl! WTF! Although guy may have the looks and charm.. but.. OMG>. if a girl was to accept this kinda confession! There is a very high chance that one day she would look back and say.. DAMN.. I should have seen it coming!