Thursday, November 02, 2006

Why is it we want things others want?

Have u ever gone shopping with frens and had a conversation..
A : (Randomly picks up bag and poses in front of mirror.. heheh)
B : My god so nice.. the buckles so special.. so cute got ribbon somemore..
A : Really? the colour quite bleh right? Orange wo.. Ugly wei..
B : Oh.. u "bo" suka ah? dun buy lo.. (eyes bag greedily)
Ending : Girl A bought the bag.. surprised? I think not.. true la.. girl A might not particularly like that bag but would still consider buying it.. Y? Because girl B wants it..

I was thinking.. could it be because people just want to have a little bit of assurance.. just the pleasure of knowing we have something others would approve of.. so we can feel like we are accepted in this society? So that we are so called "IN"?? I really don't know..

Isn't it why we follow fashion trends.. keep up with the newest music.. make sure we are playing the latest games? Just so we blend in with the rest and for some cases so we stand out?

In a way aren't we really dumb? I mean.. for example there we are eating at some fancy smancy restaurant just because it was listed.. or that everybody else seems to be going there.. dem stupid right?? and chances are.. the food might not even be good..

How is it other humans can influence us in ways we don't even realize? Who is setting this rules of what we want? Other people? All i can say is it is most probably not ourselves..


Blogger Leeyee said...

true, people set the rules for us a lot of the time, consciously or unconsciously, but the first step to liberation from other people's influence is realising tht they do have an influence on us...and you've already realised it!

we dont have to follow the pack...

11:48 AM  
Blogger Chai Yee Lyn said...

hmm.. yeah, u're right. we should be reassured with ourselves, and know what WE WANT. Not others. if u don't like it, don't get it lo.. but then, restaurants right, a lot of people go there probably because it's good, isn't it.. and all these sound very familiar, loris.. hehe.. ;)

12:14 PM  
Blogger LoRiS said...

lee yee.. i guess we would all want to have our own style.. opinions.. but wanting it and achieving it is a different matter.. whether we like it or not.. we will still be influence by others.. at least a little..

2:50 PM  
Blogger LoRiS said...

yes yee lyn.. very familiar!.. haha.. dunno la.. take Sarti for example.. listed but not good food.. and Don's not listed but YUMMy.. n cheaper summore.. correct?

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah.. i agree with the whole jumping on the bandwagon thing.. people are just conformists. although i disagree that conforming will make you stand out. it is doing something that others aren't that will.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Me-shel Leslie said...

loris is very very wise. =). yes we need to know wat we want. if not i know we regret it one day.

3:39 AM  
Blogger LoRiS said...

yz.. true.. but how many of us actually dare to be different? being different comes with the burden of possibility that others will think you are weird.. whilst maybe onli a small percentage would think u are.. how do u say.. cool... easy to say hard to do.. right?

haha.. mich.. don't u thibnk what we want is just andf image of what the whole society wants? =P

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

leeyee: i would rather be weird than normal. oh wait...i already am weird....

3:54 PM  
Blogger LoRiS said...

lee yee.. no objections here.. =P

5:41 PM  

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